Designing for Sustainability: A Harmonic Design series about service design and the "S" word


Harmonic Design is comprised of coworkers who deeply care about sustainability. Currently, our measures are focused on Harmonic operations and culture. Most of us use public transportation for commuting, avid recyclers, and mindful of what products we use - absolutely no plastic straws! Recently our office decided to purchase carbon offsets and it had us thinking about our overall sustainability practices. We set out to ask experts in the field of sustainability to learn from their methods and mindset to incorporate sustainability into our design practice.

Our experts range from academics to practitioners. We talked to Scott Boylston, Design for sustainability professor at Savannah College of Art and Design; Paula Chamorro, Design and Visualization Fellow at PYXERA Global; Emma Fromberg, Industrial Design Engineer; Angela Hariche, CEO of Catapult Design; and Joe McCarron co-founder of ReosPartners.

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